Prenuptial Agreements

You're planning your wedding -- should you plan on a prenuptial agreement, too? Prenuptial agreements allow spouses to decide how they want to deal with their finances instead of using state law to define their rights and responsibilities. Learn when and why a prenup might be advisable, and how to prepare one.

Articles on Prenuptial Agreements

Articles on Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreements: Who Needs It and How Do I Make One? What you need to know if you're considering a prenuptial, or premarital agreement.

Prenuptial Agreements: What Does the Law Allow? Whether you are considering asking your partner for a prenuptial agreement, or if you must decide whether to sign before you get married, it’s essential to understand the specifics of a prenuptial agreement, or “prenup.”

Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers: Do You Need One? Learn about the basics of a prenuptial agreement and whether you need an attorney to create one.

Prenuptial Agreement Benefits and Drawbacks We often like to think “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine” as the marriage motto, but when it comes to divorce, most couples disagree. Can a prenuptial agreement help you avoid a long divorce later?

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Questions on Prenuptial Agreements

Questions on Prenuptial Agreements

Can we use a prenup to keep child support payments reasonable? We have been advised to make a prenuptial agreement to protect ourselves from the ex and to prevent the children from starting a war later.

Can my spouse be my tenant, too? What is the best way to assure the property owner can remain sole owner, but the new spouse will not be able to live there for free?

Can I do a postnuptial agreement without a lawyer? Can I do my own postnuptial agreement? Is there any software available to help with the task?

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