Writing a Curriculum Vitae

In the United States, a curriculum vitae, often called a CV or vitae is used when applying for academic and research positions, fellowships, and grants.

Note: The term CV is also used in many foreign countries to describe a résumé. Keep in mind, overseas employers often expect to receive personal information that would not be included on a U.S. résumé such as a photo, place of birth, nationality, gender, number of dependents, and marital status.

A CV is longer than a résumé (at least two pages) and represents your accomplishments, areas of expertise, and professional skills in a detailed and organized manner. It is best to discuss any special CV formatting your field may require with a mentor or trusted member in your department (i.e., faculty member or adviser). As with a résumé, you may need different versions of a CV for different types of positions.

Vitae Categories

A CV is a summary of your educational and academic background as well as teaching, research, and service/engagement experience, publications, presentations, honors and awards, affiliations, and other details. Include the categories below which best highlight your experience.

Personal Contact Information

Name, address, phone number, e-mail, online portfolio (if applicable).


Degree, major, institution (city & state), and date of completion (or expected date of completion). List the most recent or expected degree first, writing in reverse chronological order.

Dissertation or Thesis

Include title and brief description of research work.


Include scholarly interests, professional competencies, educational highlights, scholarly proficiencies, areas of expertise, areas of experience, areas of concentration, academic interests, research interests, and professional interests.

Professional Experience


Courses taught, student advising, guest lectures, trainings, seminars conducted, workshops conducted, and/ or invited lectures



Professional Work Experience

Professional Development

List special trainings or conferences attended to develop professional skills. For example: Preparing for Future Faculty training, WebCT Vista Technology training, or SPSS Statistical Software competency.

Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Scholarships

List recognition received from a college, university, association, or honorary society.

Other Categories

Strategies for Success

(Adapted from the University of Minnesota)