Choosing a Major
![Major Declaration](
All incoming students enter Rutgers undeclared. Selecting a major, like other academic planning decisions, depends on your goals and interests.
Some things to consider:
- Do you enjoy the subject? If you have taken classes in a subject, have you enjoyed them? Were the readings and homework pleasant and stimulating? If you don’t know much about a major, you can try a class or two to introduce yourself. If you go to the website of the major, you may find a useful summary of the philosophy of that academic subject.
- Will you enjoy classes you might take in the future? If you go to the website of the major, you can find course descriptions and even syllabi.
- What out-of-classroom opportunities does the major offer?Departmental websites have lots of information about these opportunities. Departmental advisors can discuss these opportunities with you. You can ask your instructors. You can ask other students - did you know that many majors have student organizations where you can learn about careers, out-of-classroom opportunities, and other information about the major?
- How might your career goals fit with your major? Career counselors at can meet with you to discuss this. Departmental websites often have career information, and departmental advisors can help as well.
Are you Ready to Declare your Major/Minor?
Please make sure you review the entry requirements for the major/minor. The following majors require a separate application process and must be submitted directly to the offering school:
- Communication
- Information Technology and Informatics
- Journalism and Media Studies
- Health Administration
- Planning and Public Policy
- Public Health
- Public Policy
- Urban Planning and Design
For all other majors, please declare your major online through the MyMajor portal:
Additional Resources
- Major and Minor Advising
- List of Majors and Minors
- Policies on Majors and Minors