Drug and Alcohol Policy Template

Every organisation should consider the potential impacts of drug and alcohol misuse at work and have in place processes to prevent accidents or incidents from occurring and to support employees. A drug and alcohol policy ensures that everyone understands the expectations regarding drugs and alcohol at work and complies with the relevant legislation.

This article will explain why a workplace drug and alcohol policy is essential and what you need to include in your policy. We have also created a drug and alcohol policy template which you can download and tailor to your workplace.

A printed out policy and a pen

What is a Drug and Alcohol Policy?

The use of drugs or alcohol can seriously impact someone’s behaviour at work, putting themselves and others at risk of harm. In particular, there is a significant risk if safety-critical work is carried out, such as the use of machinery. Drugs and alcohol can have a strong effect on the brain and body, impairing concentration and judgement. If an individual is under the influence of drugs while at work, they may struggle to function normally which could cause them to make mistakes. An employee who misuses drugs or alcohol can also have a negative effect on other employees and damage the organisation’s reputation.

Every organisation will benefit from a drug and alcohol misuse policy. This may form a separate policy, or you may choose to include it within your organisation’s overall health and safety policy. An effective policy must be clear and explain what action will be taken if someone is misusing drugs or alcohol. You should aim to help an employee who is misusing substances by offering them support in the first instance, rather than immediate dismissal. However, your policy must clearly outline when disciplinary action or other steps will be taken. For example, you must immediately report any instance of drug dealing at work to the police.

You should explain the policy to employees as part of their onboarding process and ensure that everyone is able to access a copy of it at any time. You may house the policy on the intranet and communicate this location company-wide. This will ensure that all employees understand the organisation’s position on drug and alcohol misuse and know what action will be taken. It will also outline what an employee should do if they are misusing drugs or alcohol or suspect a colleague of doing so and have concerns.

How to Write a Drug and Alcohol Policy

Every employer has a legal duty to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees and others who work for them. Having an effective drug and alcohol policy forms one part of this duty. It is likely that your employer will delegate the task of producing a drug and alcohol policy to the HR department. They will be made responsible for ensuring all employees understand the policy and know who to go to with any concerns.

To be effective, your drug and alcohol policy must take into consideration your specific work environment and circumstances and be tailored accordingly. For most workplaces, there are some essential aspects that must be covered in all drug and alcohol policies, as explained below.

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy Template

We have created a drug and alcohol policy template which you can use as an example when writing the policy for your business. Remember that this template is a guide and you will need to ensure that your policy considers the work activities and other circumstances specific to your organisation. You can download our drug and alcohol policy template below:

An effective drug and alcohol policy is an important part of an organisation’s wider health and safety policy. You should approach the issue of substance misuse at work with the aim of supporting and helping any employee who is misusing substances, provided they are willing to help themselves. Every employee must understand the organisation’s position on drug and alcohol misuse at work and know what to do if they, or a colleague, develop a problem.

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