Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) Database

This database contains maximum acceptable levels of pesticides and veterinary drugs in food and agricultural products in the United States, as well as 70 other countries, the European Union and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Included are:

The database does not include processed food products.

The USDA Foreign Agricultural Service funds a basic level of access to the database for everyone with a United States-based IP address so agriculture producers, businesses, and exporters in the United States are able to access this information. In order to access the database and utilize this no-cost access for U.S.-based users, users should register at the link below.

Note: This database is an external site, maintained by a third party outside the U.S. Department of Agriculture system. Users are advised that international regulations and permissible maximum residue levels (MRLs) frequently change. Although the database is updated frequently, the information in it may not be completely up-to-date or error free. Additionally, commodity nomenclature and residue definitions vary among countries, and country policies regarding deferral to international standards are not always transparent. This database is intended to be an initial reference source only, and users must verify any information obtained from it with knowledgeable parties in the market of interest prior to the sale or shipment of any products.