Privacy Agreement

Please note, local law (and in certain circumstances, local language) versions of this notice are in the process of being finalised and will be available shortly. Local language versions will be available if you are based in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal or Spain. If you have any queries in relation to local versions of this notice in the meantime, please contact your recruiter.

Barclays Bank (referred to in this notice as “we”) is committed to protecting the personal data we hold about you. For the purposes of this notice, you are a “candidate”.

This notice explains what personal data we collect about you, why we need it, what we do with it and how long we keep it. We will only collect personal data about you which is required for specific purposes and where there is a legal basis for processing it.

“Personal data” is information, or a combination of pieces of information that could reasonably allow an individual to be identified. Certain types of personal data are known as “special categories of data”. These are types of personal data which are considered particularly sensitive (including personal data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, sexual orientation, genetic, biometric or health data). We do not collect special categories of personal data in countries where the collection is prohibited.

“Data controller” is the Barclays entity that decides how and why your personal data is used. The data controller in relation to your personal data is likely to be Barclays Services Limited (“Barclays”), 1 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HP. There may be some local variations to this in certain jurisdictions. If your application is successful, your recruiter will provide details of the Barclays entity with which you will have a work relationship (the Barclays entity with which you have a work relationship will be the data controller in relation to your personal data once you have commenced your role at Barclays).

1. What information do we collect about you?

Barclays collects personal data from you during the recruitment process. We also collect personal data about you from our service providers and agents such as third party recruitment agencies (this may include details of your qualifications and experience) and providers who assist us with candidate screening (this may include details of special categories of personal data).

Examples of personal data we may collect are: A full list of personal data we collect can be found HERE.

We may also check publicly available sources such as LinkedIn or similar sites for information regarding your skills, experience or qualifications.

2. How do we use your personal data?

To the extent necessary and as permitted by applicable law, we may use your personal data for the purposes of recruitment administration (including profiling) and compliance with our legal/regulatory obligations.

A full list of our processing activities and the legal grounds we have for our processing activities can be found HERE.

3. What are our legal grounds for processing your personal data?

We will only collect and process your data where there is a legal basis for doing so. The most common bases for processing personal data are:

A legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information. Even then, it must not unfairly go against what is right and best for you. To achieve this, we will ensure that the collection and processing of your personal data:

A full list of our processing activities and the legal grounds we have for our processing activities can be found HERE.

4. With whom might we share your personal data?

All the personal data we hold about you will be processed by our staff and where required, we share your personal data with other Barclays companies, regulators, public authorities, vendors and service providers, for the purposes mentioned. For more details on the different categories of recipients with whom we might share your personal data please click HERE.

Barclays shares personal data with recipients in countries with different data protection laws where required by law or where we put in place contracts or other arrangements to ensure adequate protection of your personal data. For more information on our data transfer arrangements please click HERE.

5. How long do we keep hold of your personal data?

Barclays will only retain your personal data following your application for a period of time, depending on the type of personal data, and the purposes for which we hold it. Barclays will only retain your personal data to enable us to:

The retention period is often linked to the amount of time available to bring a legal claim. We will retain your personal data after this time if we are required to do so to comply with the law, if there are outstanding claims or complaints that will reasonably require your personal data to be retained, or for regulatory or technical reasons. Information relating to specific retention periods is available on request. If we retain your personal data, we will continue to make sure your privacy is protected.

If you are unsuccessful in your application, we may retain your personal data in our talent pool in order to contact you in the future in relation to other roles at Barclays which we think may be of interest. Please let your recruiter know if you do not wish to be contacted in relation to other roles at Barclays.

6. What rights do you have in relation to the personal data we hold?

Barclays use of your personal data is subject to an extensive framework of safeguards that help make sure that your rights in relation to your personal data are protected. These include the information given to you about how your personal data will be used and how you can exercise your rights to obtain your personal data, have it corrected, restricted or deleted, object to it being processed, to obtain and reuse your personal data and complain.

You have the right not to be subject to a decision made by automated processing without human intervention, including profiling, which significantly affects you.

As part of the application process, we will ask you certain qualifying questions (such as whether you have the right to work in the UK). If your response to our questions means that you do not meet certain qualifying criteria (such as if you do not have the right to work in the UK), we will not be able to proceed with your application. As set out above, you have the right not to be subject to this automated processing without human intervention.

At Barclays, when we recruit for certain roles, our candidates undertake online tests, including situational judgement tests, psychometric and competency-based tests during the assessment stage. You will be informed if you are required to complete an online test as part of the application process. Online testing scores are used to determine whether candidates are automatically shortlisted through to interview stage. If you wish to have your test marked manually by an assessor, we can put such arrangements in place. A manual assessment will extend the duration of the recruitment process but will not have a bearing on whether or not your application is successful.

We may also carry out an initial assessment of your application on an automated basis and may make decisions about whether or not to take your application forward without human intervention. This assessment will include an analysis (based on the qualifications, experience and competencies set out in your application) of whether you are suitable for the role in relation to which you have applied. As set out above, you have the right not to be subject to this automated processing without human intervention.

Your rights in relation to your personal data (as well as details of who to contact in relation to those rights) are further explained HERE.

Your exercise of these rights is subject to certain exemptions to safeguard the public interest (e.g. the prevention or detection of crime) and our interests (e.g. the maintenance of legal privilege). In addition, these rights will vary slightly between the UK and other EEA states. For example, in France you also have the right to define directives as to how your Personal Data is to be used after your death.

If you exercise any of these rights, we will check your entitlement and respond within a month. Occasionally, it may take longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests.

In this case, we will notify you within a month and keep you updated.

You also have the right to make a complaint to the local data protection regulator in the jurisdiction in which you are based.

7. Acknowledgement By clicking accept, you acknowledge your personal data will be held and used as described above. 8. Chinese nationals

If you are a Chinese national, the information we are required to provide under the Personal Data Protection Act can be found HERE.

Sensitive personal information

We may collect sensitive personal information from you and this may include (but not limited to) information relating to religious beliefs, specific identities, healthcare, and financial account.

References to "Special Categories of Data" in the Candidate Privacy Notice shall be deemed to encompass Sensitive Personal Information as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law (and any related legislation).

Unless otherwise permitted, we will only collect and use such personal information from you if you agree to provide it to us and/or you authorise us to obtain it from a third party. We will use and disclose any such personal information in accordance with the Candidate Privacy Notice.

Transfer of personal information outside of mainland China

We may transfer or disclose your personal information and sensitive personal information to a third-party service provider and related body corporates located within or outside Mainland China for the purposes indicated in the Candidate Privacy Notice. Please note that some of our third-party service providers may include cloud-based service provider who may store and process personal information in the cloud within or outside Mainland China.

We may from time to time give you further necessary notices before transmitting your personal information outside of Mainland China.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipients of your personal information are bound by substantially similar or comparable privacy standards.

9. For California residents, please also review the California Residency Privacy Notice, in addition to the Candidate Privacy Notice

The Privacy Notice can be found HERE. 10. Applicants to roles in Frankfurt Local addendum to candidate notice -Frankfurt The local variations for Barclays in Frankfurt are as follows: In respect of Section 1 (What personal data do we collect about you?): The following applies in Frankfurt: In respect of Section 2 (How do we use your personal data?), In respect of Section 3 (With whom might we share your personal data?): Alexander Mann Outsourcing Solutions Limited (for the organisation of recruitment administration) 11. Applicants to roles in Hamburg Local addendum to candidate notice –Hamburg The local variations for Barclays in Hamburg are as follows: In respect of Section 1 (What personal data do we collect about you?): The following applies in Hamburg: In respect of Section 2 (How do we use your personal data?), In respect of Section 3 (With whom might we share your personal data?): Randstad Sourceright GmbH (for the organisation of recruitment administration)

The table below provides a list of personal data that we may collect about you, to the extent this is permitted by applicable law. Please contact the corresponding email address set out in the table below if you have any queries in relation to any of the below (including whether a particular purpose is relevant in your country).

Recruitment Contact Details
Germany Frankfurt
Germany Hamburg
Czech Republic

Personal data processed
We will process the following categories of personal data about you:
- basic personal details including name, gender, title, marital status, address, country of residence, telephone/fax number, email address, date and place of birth, emergency contacts, country of birth; IP address
- Correspondence with HR including in relation to HR queries you may have;
- identification information including passport and national insurance/identification number);
- information contained in recruitment application and assessment forms (e.g. CV information (including previous roles, education details, qualifications, hobbies/interests, references), interview feedback, academic/professional qualifications, results of psychometric tests, military/veteran status you may hold etc.);
- credit reference information (where permitted by applicable law and where strictly relevant to the role);
- screening information (including in relation to sanction screening, politically exposed persons and specially designated nationals screening, references, work visas etc. (to the extent permitted by applicable law)).

If you are successful in your application, we may also request additional personal data from you in order to set up your payroll record (such as details of your next of kin, tax information, student loans, visa details, bank account and pension funds).

To the extent permitted by applicable law, during the application process we may ask some contextual questions about your background which we share with Rare Recruitment (a third party). Using this system helps us to ensure our assessments are fair to everyone by comparing the economic and social circumstances of candidates. Please note the questions are optional and you do not have to disclose this information if you do not wish to. The information you provide will be used for monitoring purposes only and it will not impact your progression in the process.

If you are based in the UK, the personal data we have collected from you will be shared with Cifas (a not-for-profit fraud prevention membership organisation) who will use it to prevent fraud, other unlawful or dishonest conduct, malpractice, and other seriously improper conduct. If any of these are detected, you may not be offered a position at Barclays and you may also be refused certain services. Your personal data will also be used to verify your identity. Further details of how your personal data will be used by us and Cifas, and your data protection rights, can be found by contacting

2. How do we use your personal data?

The table below provides a detailed list of the purposes for which we will process your personal data, as well as our legal bases for doing so.

Data protection law allows us to use personal data for our genuine and legitimate reasons, provided we do not unfairly infringe your rights and freedoms. This lawful basis for using your personal data is called “legitimate interests.” When we rely on our legitimate interests as the legal basis for processing your personal data for the purposes set out above, we will carefully consider and balance any potential impact on your rights in relation to your personal data.

3. With whom might we share your personal data?
Categories of Recipients Where necessary Barclays may provide personal data about you:

Because we operate as part of a global business, the recipients referred to above may be located outside the jurisdiction in which you are located (or in which we provide the services). See the section on “Transfers outside the EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based including safeguards” below for more information.

Transfers outside the EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based including safeguards

Barclays has staff within the following locations outside the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guernsey, Hong Kong, India, the Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, Mexico, Monaco, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE and the USA. Therefore, Barclays may transmit personal data through, and store personal data within, systems operated or controlled by Barclays or third parties in, and outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based. Further, many of the third parties referred to in the “Categories of recipients” section above are located (or have systems which are located) outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based. It is therefore likely that your personal data may be transferred outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based (for example, where there is a business requirement to do so, where globally accessible systems are used, and/or where internal data processors are used). The key locations outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based for centralised services and internal data processors are India, Singapore and the USA.

Where Barclays transfers personal data to locations outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based (in the operation of its business or for example to its suppliers, agents or affiliates) it will ensure that appropriate safeguards are provided in order to ensure that the data transfers are subject to an adequate level of protection. These safeguards may include the use of contractual terms approved by the European data protection authorities. Further information about the safeguards used by Barclays can be obtained from the Barclays Data Protection Officer.

4. What rights do you have in relation to the personal data we hold?

You have the "right to access to your personal data, which means that you can ask us whether we are processing your personal data, what personal data we are processing, where we are processing it (including what safeguards are in place to the extent we are transferring your personal data outside of the UK, EEA and/or the jurisdiction in which you are based), who has received it, the purpose of us processing it and for how long your personal data will be retained. You can also request an electronic copy of your personal data free of charge.

If any information about you is incomplete or inaccurate, you may also request the rectification of your personal data.

You also have the right to have your personal data erased where there is no longer a compelling reason for Barclays to continue processing your data in certain circumstances. For example:

To the extent we have a compelling reason to continue processing your personal data, we may not be able to delete it.

You have the right to ask Barclays to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. For example:

Barclays will confirm the outcome of your request or actions that have been taken in relation to your request.

We will inform recipients of your personal data of the requirement to erase, restrict or rectify your personal data.

You have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services. Your right to data portability only applies to personal data that you have supplied to Barclays, where the processing is based on your consent or for the performance of a contract with you and where we are processing the personal data by automated means. We will provide your data in a commonly used electronic format.

You have the right to object to us processing your personal data (including profiling) where our processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or carried out for our legitimate business interests. Upon receiving your request, we will cease processing your personal data (unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for such processing).

You also have the right to object to processing which results in a decision based solely on automated decision-making (including profiling), which significantly affects you.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights outlined above, please send your request to the SAR team at mailto:subjectaccessrequestshroperations@barclays.comor write to the team at the following address:

Subject Access Request Team, HR Operations, C/O Williams Lea Print Room, 1 Churchill Place , London, E14 5HP

If you wish to exercise any of the rights outlined above and are not based in the UK, please email your request to the appropriate EU country HR mailbox, as follows:

Mailbox for request
Germany Frankfurt
Germany Hamburg
Czech Republic
Complaint process

At Barclays we take data privacy and protection seriously but if you are not happy with anything relating to this, our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at: The Data Protection Officer, Leicester, LE87 2BB or or if you are based in APAC at: You also have the right to make a complaint to the local data protection regulator.

5. Personal Information Protection Act Notification This section only applies to you to the extent you are a Chinese national.

In compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of China (the "PIPA"), we would like to notify you, as a data subject, of the following:

Items Notification
1 Purposes of Collection Your personal information may be collected, processed, used and transmitted internationally by us for the following purposes:
1. processing your application for employment; and
2. purposes as defined by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China ("MOJ") in Schedule 1 of this letter.
2 Categories of Personal Information The categories of your personal information which may be collected, processed, used and transmitted internationally, as defined by the MOJ, are specified in Schedule 2 of this letter.
3 Location Your personal information may be collected, processed, used and transmitted internationally within or outside the Republic of China in the jurisdictions where the relevant Barclays affiliate is located, or to such other locations as may in the future be notified to you.
4 Relevant Entities Your personal information may be collected, processed, used and transmitted nationally or internationally by the relevant Barclays affiliate, its employees, agents, professional advisors, third party service provider who provides administrative, management, human resources support and management services, or other services to the relevant Barclays affiliate, and any other party which is not restricted by the competent authority for international transmission of the personal information. Some of the recipients of your personal information listed above may be located in countries with legislation containing a different level of protection of personal information as your country of residence.
5 Method Your personal information may be collected, processed, used and transmitted internationally by automatic machines or other non-automatic means in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations on personal information protection (including but not limited to electronic documents, physical documents or any other appropriate means under the then existing scientific techniques).
6 Your Rights Under and in accordance with the PIPA, any data subject has the rights:
1. to access or to request for review or copy of his personal information, in which case we have the right to charge a reasonable fee in accordance with the laws;
2. to request for supplement or correction of his personal information upon appropriate justification by the data subject; and
3. to request for discontinuance of collection, processing, use or international transmission, and deletion, of his personal information; provided that we may refuse such request to the extent such collection, processing, use or international transmission of personal information is necessary for our business operation.
If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, you may submit a written request together with the supporting documents to us. We will notify you of our decision on your request within fifteen (15) days after the next day following receipt of your written request. If necessary, such fifteen (15) days period may be extended for another fifteen (15) days in which case we will notify you in writing. In connection with a request to access or review the personal information, you shall, upon receiving our response, arrive at the location specified by us within the specified period to access or review the documents. Failing which you will need to submit a new written request to us.
7 Consequences of Not Providing Your Personal Information You have the sole discretion to decide whether you wish to provide your personal information to us, unless required by law. If you refuse to provide your personal information, we may in our sole discretion decide whether we will proceed with your application for employment.
8 Other Matters You agree that we have the right to revise this letter from time to time. In the event this letter is revised, we will provide you with the hyperlink to the website containing the revised notification letter. If applicable, please review the contents of the designated website carefully and follow the instructions thereon to indicate your acceptance if necessary.

Schedule 1: The Specific Purposes as Defined by the MOJ

(002) human resources management; (003) arrival, departure and immigration; (059) the collection, process and use by financial service enterprises according laws and regulations and for the need of financial supervision; (060) financial dispute resolution; (061) financial supervision, management and examination; (063) the collection, process and use of personal information by non-government agency for fulfillment of regulatory obligations; (064) health and medical services; (068) trust business; (069) contractual, quasi-contractual or other legal relationship affairs; (090) consumer and customer management and services; (104) billing management and credit transaction business; (114) labor administration; (120) tax administration; (129) accounting and relevant services; (136) information (tele-) communication and database management; (137) information (tele-) communication security and management; (150) auxiliary and back-office supporting management; (154) credit checks; (157) investigation, statistics and research analysis; (166) securities, futures, securities investment trust and consulting relevant business; (168) passport, visa, and verification documents processing; (177) other financial management business; (181) other business conducted under the business registration items or organizational articles of incorporation; (182) other advisory and consulting services.

Schedule 2: The Specific Categories of Personal Information as Defined by the MOJ 1. Identification category

(C001) for identification of individual; (C002) for identification of finance; (C003) for identification in government documents;